Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!
Fun? Did I say having myeloma is fun? Well, of course having myeloma is not fun. But being a myeloma patient right now is exciting! And I have had fun with my fellow support group leaders, my support group members, and with my family this past year. Having myeloma doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Time does goes by quickly. I can’t believe 1 year has gone by, and we are preparing for the 66th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition. We will be in sunny San Diego again. As I type this, it is 23 degrees in Boise, Idaho. I am looking forward to warmer temperatures!
I am also looking forward to the new clinical trial data that will be presented this year. As a 13-year myeloma survivor, I am always interested in the new therapies for relapsed/refractory patients. Since we do not have a cure, yet, I am always looking at what my next treatment could be. I also like to bring information back to my support group. We have a diverse group of patients in all stages of myeloma treatment. And I look forward to sharing this information with them.
I am so grateful to the International Myeloma Foundation and our sponsors who make it possible for the Myeloma Voices at ASH team to attend #ASH2024. And I am honored to be chosen for this team. Please follow my fellow team members on social media and read their posts for more insight into ASH.