Final Thoughts on ASH24

Final Thoughts on ASH24

ASH24 is over, but my head is still full of information, words, questions. I guess my biggest takeaway is how optimistic I am about the future of multiple myeloma (MM) treatment. I remember when I was first diagnosed in 2007 and my options were Revlimid and Velcade, plus lots of dex. The list of approved therapies now exceeds, well, too many to type here! Every year at ASH there is a list of drugs and treatments that are being studied, and many of them go on to FDA approval. It seems like only a year ago that Car-T therapy was being trialed and now it’s moving to a frontline therapy for certain patients!

It’s a bright and shiny world for those of us with myeloma. I want to thank the International Myeloma Foundation for inviting me to attend this conference and our pharma partners who generously stepped up to sponsor us. It’s going to take a lot of effort to find a cure for MM, but I’m hopeful that I’ll see it in my lifetime!